Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Being married....

is AMAZING!!! At first I thought that it wouldn't be much of a change. Well I was wrong. It's different...like I know that I have a partner in life and it's a beautiful feeling. Even at the times when we are upset with each other we both know that we love one another. I love that.... I know that he always will have my back and tell me when I am wrong. I love the honesty of our relationship. I feel so blessed to have my husband as my mate. I had a client call me today and his parents are celebrating their 50 anniversary in 2011 and their children are planning this huge party for them and I hope one day that will be us. Making it in a HAPPY, LOVING, HEALHY marriage for 50 YEARS!!! I mean if that is not a blessing I don't know what is! Anyway I was feeing overjoyed and wanted to express it.

Sidebar* I have been so busy with school so that why I haven't blogged about the HM yet. Stay tuned!!


  1. being married is amazing! i feel blessed everyday! :)

    wishing you both many, many long happy years!

  2. i agree. being married is wonderful. and i will add it's wonderful with the RIGHT person.
