Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Dress My Hangers

Ok so we all (brides that is) have seen the dress shots and I know I want one. Here is a shot from my photog Hallman Photo website.

Now the ? is do I want a cutesy hanger for the shot and the answer is....YES
Look at these cuties. The ribbon and tassels are a bit much for me but it is still a cute idea right!

This one is for the 'maids dresses!

Ok it's obvious that I have been reading blog after blog. Gathering ideas. Hey I am on summer break from school so I have some spare time. Anyway I was in the thrift store the other day and ran across these hangers.

I got them for $1.50 I might add a little personalized tag or change the bow of fabric to match our wedding covers. I may even put these is the girls gift bags...
Are you dressing your hangers?

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